Working Together on Your Way to Wellness

A Bit About Therapy
Mental health exists on a continuum. On one end, there is what is commonly known as mental illness (presentation of symptoms causing pain or difficulty, like depression, anxiety, or PTSD). At the other end of this continuum is mental wellness, which looks like thriving in line with your values in life. This includes feeling balanced, connected to others and having the abilities to meet life's challenges.
At Ways to Wellness Therapy, I believe that everyone has an internal desire to live their most fulfilling life. Sometimes life gets difficult due to stressful circumstances, relationship conflicts, or traumatic experiences. During sessions, you can expect to learn tangible skills that will help to relieve symptoms on a day-to-day basis, a better understanding of the underlying causes beneath your struggles, as well as a deeper understanding of yourself.Â
Wherever you are on the mental health continuum, I will be along your side working with you on your Way to Wellness.